#meetingdata October, 18-20, 2018 – UFSCar   


Data science is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses methods and processes for obtaining knowledge or understanding of premises from data (information).

The solutions presented in Data Science employ methods from different areas of mathematics, statistics, information science, scientific computing and especially in the sub-areas of machine learning, statistical modelling, classification, data mining, artificial intelligence, predictive methods and probabilistic models.

Statistical concepts and data analysis are employed to understand and analyze current phenomena. A large amount of data is available and its analysis depends not only on the usual statistical methods, but also on the use of computational techniques to address the Big Data problem. In this way, it is understood that Data Science naturally links Statistical Science and Computer Science by developing solutions to the challenges faced by other areas such as Astronomy, Biology, Epidemiology, Linguistics, Medicine, among others.

The #meetingdata is a meeting to discuss/present the development of Data Science under the realm of multidisciplinarities that are fundamental for research. The topics will cover from the statistical analysis to machine learning methods, fostering a search for current solutions to the challenges and needs of society.


Promotion and Support:
UFSCar   DATAScience UFSCar   Serasa Experian   FAPESP   PET-Estatistica   GIS